@extends('backend.layouts.master') @section('title') @lang('translation.profile') @endsection @section('content')

About Us Page Contents

Minimum 664 px or higher X 490px
We have limited banner height to maintain UI. We had to crop from both left & right side in view for different devices to make it responsive. Before designing banner keep these points in mind.
Section One
@php $home_slider_images = page_content('home_sec_one_image', null, $lang) ?? ''; @endphp @if ($home_slider_images != null) @foreach (json_decode($home_slider_images, true) as $key => $value) @php $sec_one_title = json_decode(page_content('home_sec_one_title', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $sec_one_sub_title = json_decode(page_content('home_sec_one_sub_title', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $sec_one_btn_link = json_decode(page_content('home_sec_one_btn_link', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $sec_one_desc = json_decode(page_content('home_sec_one_description', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; @endphp
Choose file
@endforeach @endif
Minimum 664 px or higher X 490px
We have limited banner height to maintain UI. We had to crop from both left & right side in view for different devices to make it responsive. Before designing banner keep these points in mind.
Section Two
@php $about_us_image = page_content('about_us_image', null, $lang) ?? ''; @endphp @if ($about_us_image != null) @foreach (json_decode($about_us_image, true) as $key => $value) @php $about_us_title = json_decode(page_content('about_us_title', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $about_us_btn_label = json_decode(page_content('about_us_btn_label', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $about_us_btn_link = json_decode(page_content('about_us_btn_link', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $about_us_description = json_decode(page_content('about_us_description', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; @endphp
Choose file
@endforeach @endif
Minimum 664 px or higher X 490px
We have limited banner height to maintain UI. We had to crop from both left & right side in view for different devices to make it responsive. Before designing banner keep these points in mind.
Section Three
@php $work_image= page_content('work_image', null, $lang) ?? ''; $work_title = json_decode(page_content('work_title', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $work_btn_label = json_decode(page_content('work_btn_label', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $work_btn_link = json_decode(page_content('work_btn_link', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; @endphp
@if ($work_image != null) @foreach (json_decode($work_image, true) as $key => $value) @php $work_description = json_decode(page_content('work_description', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $work_order = json_decode(page_content('work_order', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; @endphp
Choose file
@endforeach @endif
Minimum 664 px or higher X 490px
We have limited banner height to maintain UI. We had to crop from both left & right side in view for different devices to make it responsive. Before designing banner keep these points in mind.
Section One
@php $case_study_images = page_content('case_study_images', null, $lang) ?? ''; @endphp @if ($case_study_images != null) @foreach (json_decode($case_study_images, true) as $key => $value) @php $sec_one_title = json_decode(page_content('case_study_title', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $sec_one_sub_title = json_decode(page_content('case_study_sub_title', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $sec_one_btn_link = json_decode(page_content('case_study_btn_link', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; $sec_one_desc = json_decode(page_content('case_study_description', null, $lang), true)[$key] ?? ''; @endphp
Choose file
@endforeach @endif
@endsection @section('script') @endsection